Thursday, June 14, 2007


The first 2 weeks of my hoLs are
kinda blah lately
but then there was this sec 1 welcoming party
in choir then we had like so much FUN!
there was wacko!
i keep forgetting my mate's names
when one of them called me
at the end i had a difficult time wacking others
their reaction so fast larh!
then we played water bomb!
rachelle chan was the first one
who bombed me
i was the dryest one larh
and monica
[the president of choir]
was the wettest
so poor thing
but soon after ...
Dharshiney, Monica and Rachelle
fill up a pail of water and pour over me!
so sad...
but then i got my revenge!
at the end of that day i was so tired...
more details comin up on the rest of my hols!
